hey sista || manzanita. or

it's hard to put last week into words. hey sista is one of THE most fulfilling parts of what i do.

it felt like a calling at first--last september in a car with Allison driving from Seattle to Portland, this idea was formed. it was this pull on my heart, like the Lord had placed it there. so we phone called and texted a LOT because we live thousands of miles apart. and somehow now we're here.

i don't know what to say to you. to try and explain what this is or what the week was like. cup after cup of coffee in the mornings. meals shared at one long table where no one sat by the same person twice. a coming together of all ages and levels of experience. we're seeking out real relationships, a leveling. there's no cool girl group. we're all on the same playing field. handing out real deal encouragement, thoughtful compliments. working toward getting better. better photographers but also better humans.

it's a workshop--we have talks prepped, and we shoot, and we live edit, etc etc. but that's just the surface.

it's this special thing. a unique thing. it's a safe place where everything is shared and on the table. i only have glowy warm feelings about it all. we're blown away and floored and it's hard to comprehend how this fell into place so well. how others felt the call on their heart and flew across the country (or in some cases) across oceans to be united with other sistas. to be humble and gracious and giving. what a gift.

this is what i would call living a dream. a dream lived out with incredible friends (Allison, Madison, Meg--this is all you, girlfrans.)

confetti confetti confetti and eternal praises for our freaking amazing sponsors!
Odd Bird Co, Elisa Anne Caligraphy, Ciera Rose, and Backporch Coffee Roasters!

our sick little coastal home can be rented for your own wonder and enjoyment--here!

endless thank yous to our queen supremes Meagan (who did pretty much every single hair and makeup look pictured here and selflessly slaved on her birthday) and Madison (whose floral genius adds an incredible level of art to Hey, Sista!) you two complete us and the sistahood wouldn't be what it is without you. calling you friends feels too shallow a word.

WHERE WILL WE END UP NEXT?!? IDK. where do YOU think we should go next?
we're already cooking up the next one. and i can't wait. sista sista. xo.