for artists
for lovers
tiny weddings
intimate elopements

recent weddings & elopements
recent portraits
good grief. you found your way here.
to my little corner of the internet.
welcome in, elopers, wedders, lovers,
MOTHErs, sisters, brothers, friends.
lets run through golden fields spilling with light and stomp through clear fresh streams and
fall into lakes
and chase after seagulls
and scream from mountaintops
and go on a roadtrip
and create something good.

Sarah Seven
summer 2017 Campaign
fall 2017 campaign
Mother Mag Feature 2017
feature on Ceren Alkaç lee
A & BÉ Bridal
2016 bridal lookbook
Brides of Austin Magazine
cover image, fall 2015
also featured on:
GREEN wedding shoes
junebug weddings
huffpost weddings
martha stewart weddings
leaking hearts magazine
oddbird, co.

her hand in his as they jumped wildly into the pool. under a sky full of stars and a crowd of cheering friends recording with their iphones.